Meditation Fiji

About Shri Mataji (founder)

Internationally recognised

Shri Mataji was a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, recipient of the United Nations Peace Medal and was twice honoured by the United States Congress.  She was internationally recognised for her contribution to humanity through a lifetime of work for peace and the wellbeing of mankind.  She received awards and citations from the governments of many countries in recognition of her selfless efforts for social improvement.

“Shri Mataji’s discovery brings genuine hope to humanity.” 
(Claes Nobel, grandnephew of Alfred Nobel, Nobel Peace Prize Foundation and Chairman of the United Earth Organization.)

Start of Sahaja Yoga meditation

In 1970, after studying the field of medicine and focusing on the scientific terminology of the anatomy and human physiology, she started Sahaja Yoga meditation, which she insisted be shared with all, at no cost. Shri Mataji’s core teaching is that within us all lies a transformative potential, which can be awakened using her method.  By doing so, we can bring peace and wellbeing to ourselves, our families, our social institutions, our nations and our world.

In keeping with her principles, Sahaja Yoga meditation  is now offered in over one hundred countries worldwide, free of charge.